The module icmDostawca includes important functions related to the delivery of goods and shipments as well as the receipt of reusable packaging. Supports the work of suppliers from loading to route planning to unloading.
Measurable effects of the system
- shortening loading, delivery, collection and unloading times,
- elimination of errors at every stage of the process,
- location and duration of processes,
- improvement of customer service,
- cost optimization in the area of logistics,
- automation of repetitive processes,
- ability to make decisions based on real-time information.

System modules
Description of our system components
WWW interface
The central part of the system accessible via a web browser designed for employees of logistics, distribution, billing and administrators departments. Access is based on user accounts to which appropriate access rights to individual functionalities are assigned.
A set of functionalities enabling full automation and multi-stage acceptance of the settlement process for drivers and carriers. Synthetic price lists allow you to calculate remuneration for the number of kilometers traveled, working time, number of stops on the route and the scope of activities carried out. Generating settlement documents as the basis for settlement.
Document generatoran
Automatic module responsible for generating electronic documents in PDF and HTML format, which are created on the basis of data resulting from completed processes. Documents can be shared to external systems and sent automatically via email.
A module that enables building and managing system files of users, recipients, drivers, carriers, means of transport and all dictionaries used in the system. The system ensures building any authorization schemes regarding access to system functions and user activities (CRUD).
A mobile application module enabling full service of the loading process in a detailed version with control of the loading object and a simplified version without detailed control. The module enables process control, reporting bounces and shortages. A detailed analysis of the loading process allows you to determine the potential start time of work and even delivery to the customer.
Delivery and collection
A section of the mobile application containing a set of functionalities that allow you to monitor the order of addresses, alloys on the route, perform controlled delivery and collection activities, collect electronic confirmation of activities (signature, photo, read NFC tag).
A module supporting all functionalities in the scope of route planning, assigning and rewriting routes, and monitoring the status of route implementation. The system uses data imported from superior systems (TMS, ERP, WMS). Available tools allow real-time monitoring of the status of individual tasks.
The module allows you to generate general reports presenting quantitative and qualitative data (loading, delivery, receipt, rejections, refusals) and analytical reports (KPIs, anomalies). Reports can provide all data that the system and mobile application collect at the stage of each process.
A set of functionalities enabling data exchange with superior systems (TMS, ERP, WMS, other). Our solution can exchange data based on exchange tables, data views, WebService, files. All data is stored in Microsoft SQL databases (MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express Edition).
Mobile application
Application running under the control of Android in the min. Version 5.1 intended for drivers for logistics processes. The application can be used on devices equipped with a barcode scanner, which can be used to control supported shipments. The application allows two variants of work: off-line - local storage of all necessary data for the implementation of the process, data synchronization to the central part of the system under synchronization schemes, providing the opportunity to work in places without access to the network or at high costs of data transmission (abroad, own devices drivers), on-line - data is stored locally but each of the implemented processes is automatically synchronized to the central part of the system.
A function of mobile application that allows you to report Departure. This information is transmitted to superior system and blocks the possibility of further planning of the selected route and starts measuring the time and length of the route. At the same time, the fact that a driver has reported departure may trigger the automatic generation of delivery notifications.
Functionality that allows you to accept complaints at each of the stages of ongoing processes. Complaints may be accepted in the context of planned and implemented deliveries and collections. The tool provides the opportunity to collect the necessary application documentation along with photo documentation.

Why our system?
- quantity and quality control of loading, delivery and collection,
- viewing and editing routes, rewriting routes between drivers,
- electronic confirmation of delivery and receipt using a signature, photo or NFC tags, and an electronic delivery receipt generator (PDF),
- monitoring the status of process implementation in real time,
- notification (email, SMS) of planned deliveries and collections,
- electronic summary (email, SMS) of completed deliveries and collections,
- handling complaints and returns together with electronic documentation (photos, signatures),
- record of anomalies (refusals, returns, rejections) based on dictionary reasons,
- registration of task geoposition (loading, delivery, receipt),
- recording the time of individual processes (loading, delivery, receipt),
- settlement of drivers and carriers on the basis of partial price lists (rates per km, rates for activities, stop rates, rates for time, additional services),
- billing documents generator (driver's settlement, carrier's settlement),
- navigation to addresses assigned in the delivery,
- reporting implementation of tasks in quantitative and qualitative terms.